Koen van der Blom
Post-doctoral researcher at LIP6, Sorbonne University [staff profile]
Previously post-doctoral researcher at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Leiden University [staff profile]
Member of the RO team at LIP6, working on automated algorithm selection for general black-box optimisation.
Previoulsy part of the ADA research group as a post-doctoral researcher, working on automated machine learning, algorithm configuration
Previously part of the Multicriteria Optimization and Decision Analysis (MODA) and Natural Computing (NACO) research groups as a PhD candiate
Contact: koen.vdblom@lip6.fr
ORCID: 0000-0002-4653-0707
Google Scholar
No access? PDFs are available via email on request.
- [PDF|slides] Blom K. van der & Doerr C. (2023-11-28), Per-Class Algorithm Selection for Black-Box Optimisation. In: PGMO Days 2023. Palaiseau, France.
Talk - [URL|bib] Serban Alex, Blom K. van der, Hoos. H. & Visser J. (2023-11-28), Software engineering practices for machine learning - Adoption, effects, and team assessment. In: Journal of Systems and Software: Elsevier. 111907.
Journal paper: refereed - [URL|bib] Volz V., Irawan D., Blom K. van der & Naujoks B. (2023-07-29), Benchmarking. In: Brockhoff D., Emmerich M., Naujoks B., Purshouse R. (Eds.) Many-Criteria Optimization and Decision Analysis: State-of-the-Art, Present Challenges, and Future Perspectives: Springer International Publishing. 149-179.
Book chapter: refereed - [URL|bib] Blom K. van der, Deist T., Volz V., Marchi M., Nojima Y., Naujoks B., Oyama A. & Tušar T. (2023-07-29), Identifying Properties of Real-World Optimisation Problems Through a Questionnaire. In: Brockhoff D., Emmerich M., Naujoks B., Purshouse R. (Eds.) Many-Criteria Optimization and Decision Analysis: State-of-the-Art, Present Challenges, and Future Perspectives: Springer International Publishing. 59-80.
Book chapter: refereed - [slides] Blom K. van der, Hoos H., Luo C. & Rook J. (2023-03-08), Accessible meta-algorithms with Sparkle. In: COSEAL Workshop 2023. Paris, France.
- [URL|bib] Benjamins C., Jankovic A., Raponi E., Blom K. van der, Lindauer M. & Doerr C. (2022-11-17), Towards Automated Design of Bayesian Optimization via Exploratory Landscape Analysis. In: 6th Workshop on Meta-Learning at NeurIPS 2022: arXiv. 20 pages.
Workshop paper: refereed - [URL|bib] Benjamins C., Raponi E., Jankovic A., Blom K. van der, Santoni M.L., Lindauer M. & Doerr C. (2022-11-02), PI is back! Switching Acquisition Functions in Bayesian Optimization. In: 2022 NeurIPS Workshop on Gaussian Processes, Spatiotemporal Modeling, and Decision-making Systems: arXiv. 19 pages.
Workshop paper: refereed - [URL|PDF|bib|code] Blom K. van der, Hoos. H.H., Luo C. & Rook J.G. (2022-10-19), Sparkle: Towards Accessible Meta-Algorithmics for Improving the State of the Art in Solving Challenging Problems. In: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 26(6): IEEE. 1351-1364.
Journal paper: refereed - [URL|PDF|bib] Boonstra S., Blom K. van der, Hofmeyer H., Emmerich M.T.M. & Ezendam T. (2022-08-23), Multi-disciplinary optimization of building spatial designs. In: The Eleventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology: Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK. 7 pages.
Conference paper: refereed - [PDF|poster|bib] Blom K. van der, Serban A., Hoos H. & Visser J. (2021-07-23), AutoML Adoption in ML Software. In: 8th ICML Workshop on Automated Machine Learning: 13 pages.
Workshop paper: refereed - [URL|bib] Serban A., Blom K. van der, Hoos H. & Visser J. (2021-05-30), Practices for Engineering Trustworthy Machine Learning Applications. In: 2021 IEEE/ACM 1st Workshop on AI Engineering - Software Engineering for AI (WAIN): IEEE. 97-100.
Workshop paper: refereed - [URL|bib] Boonstra S., Blom K. van der, Hofmeyer H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2021-01-25), Hybridization of an evolutionary algorithm and simulations of co-evolutionary design processes for early-stage building spatial design optimization. In: Automation in Construction 124: Elsevier. 103522.
Journal paper: refereed - [URL|video|bib] Serban A., Blom K. van der, Hoos H. & Visser J. (2020-10-06), Adoption and Effects of Software Engineering Best Practices in Machine Learning. In: Proceedings of the 14th ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM): 12 pages.
Conference paper: refereed - [URL|video|poster|bib] Blom K. van der, Deist T., Tušar T., Marchi M., Nojima Y., Oyama A., Volz V. & Naujoks B. (2020-07-08), Towards Realistic Optimization Benchmarks: A Questionnaire on the Properties of Real-World Problems. In: Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion: ACM. 293-294.
Poster paper: refereed - [URL|bib] Boonstra S., Blom K. van der, Hofmeyer H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2020-05-24), Conceptual structural system layouts via design response grammars and evolutionary algorithms. In: Automation in Construction 116: Elsevier. 103009.
Journal paper: refereed - [PDF|bib] Boonstra S., Blom K. van der, Hofmeyer H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2019-12-01), Co-Evolutionary Design Processes Applied to Building Spatial Design Optimization. In: Guo X., Huang H. (Eds.) Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO13): 110-115.
Conference paper: refereed - [URL|slides] Blom K. van der, Yang K., Bäck T. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2019-02-12), Towards Multi-objective Mixed Integer Evolution Strategies. In: Emmerich M.T.M., Deutz A.H., Hille S.C., Sergeyev Y.D. (Eds.) Proceedings LeGO - 14th International Global Optimization Workshop: AIP Publishing. 020046.
Workshop paper: refereed - [URL|slides] Yang K., Blom K. van der, Bäck T. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2019-02-12), Towards Single- and Multiobjective Bayesian Global Optimization for Mixed Integer Problems. In: Emmerich M.T.M., Deutz A.H., Hille S.C., Sergeyev Y.D. (Eds.) Proceedings LeGO - 14th International Global Optimization Workshop: AIP Publishing. 020044.
Workshop paper: refereed - [URL|slides|bib] Blom K. van der, Boonstra S., Hofmeyer H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2019-02-03), Analysing Optimisation Data for Multicriteria Building Spatial Design. In: Deb K., Coello Coello C.A., Klamroth K., Miettinen K., Mostaghim S., Reed P. (Eds.) Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: Springer. 671-682.
Conference paper: refereed - [URL] Boonstra S., Blom K. van der, Hofmeyer H., Buijs J. van den & Emmerich M.T.M. (2018-10-04), Coupling Between a Building Spatial Design Optimisation Toolbox and BouwConnect BIM. In: Mutis I., Hartmann T. (Eds.) Advances in Informatics and Computing in Civil and Construction Engineering - Proceedings of the 35th CIB W78 2018 Conference: IT in Design, Construction, and Management: Springer. 95-102.
Conference paper: refereed - [URL|slides] Blom K. van der & Bäck T. (2018-07-15), A New Foraging-Based Algorithm for Online Scheduling. In: Proceedings of the 2018 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference: ACM. 53-60.
Conference paper: refereed - [URL] Blom K. van der, Boonstra S., Wang H., Hofmeyer H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2018-07-13), Evaluating Memetic Building Spatial Design Optimisation Using Hypervolume Indicator Gradient Ascent. In: Trujillo L., Schütze O., Maldonado Y., Valle P. (Eds.) Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization – NEO 2017: Springer. 62-86.
Book chapter: refereed - [URL|code] Boonstra S., Blom K. van der, Hofmeyer H., Emmerich M.T.M., Schijndel J. van & Wilde P. de (2018-03-20), Toolbox for super-structured and super-structure free multi-disciplinary building spatial design optimisation. In: Advanced Engineering Informatics 36: Elsevier. 86-100.
Journal paper: refereed - [PDF] Boonstra S., Blom K. van der, Hofmeyer H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2017-07-10), Combined Super-Structured and Super-Structure Free Optimisation of Building Spatial Designs. In: Koch C., Tizani W., Ninić J. (Eds.) 24rd International Workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering: University of Nottingham. 23-34.
Conference paper: refereed - [URL|slides] Blom K. van der, Boonstra S., Hofmeyer H., Bäck T. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2017-06-05), Configuring Advanced Evolutionary Algorithms for Multicriteria Building Spatial Design Optimisation. In: 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC): IEEE. 1803-1810.
Conference paper: refereed - [URL|poster] Blom K. van der, Boonstra S., Hofmeyer H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2016-09-17), Multicriteria Building Spatial Design with Mixed Integer Evolutionary Algorithms. In: Handl J., Hart E., Lewis P.R., López-Ibáñez M., Ochoa G., Paechter B. (Eds.) Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XIV: Springer International Publishing AG. 453-462.
Conference paper: refereed - [PDF] Boonstra S., Blom K. van der, Hofmeyer H., Amor R. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2016-06-29), Super-Structure and Super-Structure Free Design Search Space Representations for a Building Spatial Design in Multi-Disciplinary Building Optimisation. In: Electronic proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering: Jagiellonian University ZPGK. 1-10.
Recipient of the EG ICE 2016 Best Paper Award.
Conference paper: refereed - [URL|slides] Blom K. van der, Boonstra S., Hofmeyer H. & Emmerich M.T.M. (2016-06-05), A Super-Structure Based Optimisation Approach for Building Spatial Designs. In: Papadrakakis M., Papadopoulos V., Stefanou G., Plevris V. (Eds.) Proceedings of the VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2016): National Technical University of Athens. 3409-3422.
Conference paper: refereed
- [PDF|slides|poster] Blom K. van der, Luo C. & Hoos H.H. (2019-08-26), Sparkle: Towards Automated Algorithm Configuration for Everyone. In: Configuration and Selection of Algorithms Workshop (COSEAL) 2019. Potsdam, Germany.
Abstract - [PDF|slides] Blom K. van der, Boonstra S., Emmerich M.T.M. & Hofmeyer H. (2017-09-29), Hypervolume Gradient Ascent for Memetic Building Spatial Design Optimisation. In: Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization Workshop 2017. Tijuana, Mexico.
Theses and Miscellaneous
- [URL|PDF|bib] Blom K. van der (2019-12-11), Multi-Objective Mixed-Integer Evolutionary Algorithms for Building Spatial Design. Supervision: Emmerich M.T.M., Bäck T. & Hofmeyer H.
Nominated for the 2019 C.J. Kok Jury Award for the Best PhD Thesis (Faculty of Science, Leiden University).
Honorable mention of the 2020 ACM SIGEVO Best Dissertation Award.
PhD thesis - [URL|slides] Blom K. van der (2014-11-11), Insect Division of Labour Applied to Online Scheduling. Supervision: Bäck T. & Emmerich M.T.M.
Master's thesis - [PDF] Blom K. van der (2013-12-18), Qualities of Colony Insect Division of Labour Models. Supervision: Bäck T.
Three month master's research project
Talks, Tutorials, and Posters
- [poster] Blom K. van der, Serban A., Hoos H. & Visser J. (2023-03-06), AutoML Adoption: Insights from Interviews. In: COSEAL Workshop 2023. Paris, France.
Poster - [PDF|slides] Blom K. van der (2022-11-30), AutoML - Benefits, Reality, Future. In: PGMO Days 2022. Palaiseau, France.
Talk - [slides] Blom K. van der & Rook J. (2022-09-10), Automated Algorithm Configuration and Selection with Sparkle. In: Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVII. Dortmund, Germany.
Tutorial - [slides] Blom K. van der, Deist T., Marchi M., Naujoks B., Nojima Y., Oyama A., Tušar T. & Volz V. (2022-06-01), Benchmarking for the real world: Diversity in optimisation problems. In: Lorentz Center Workshop, Benchmarked: Optimization meets Machine Learning 2022. Leiden, The Netherlands.
Talk - [slides] Blom K. van der, Rook J., Hoos H.H. & Luo C. (2022-05-30), Sparkle: Making meta-algorithms accessible. In: Lorentz Center Workshop, Benchmarked: Optimization meets Machine Learning 2022. Leiden, The Netherlands.
Talk - [slides] Blom K. van der, Luo C. & Hoos H.H. (2020-11-09), Sparkle: Accessible Meta-Algorithmics. In: Lorentz Center Workshop, Benchmarked: Optimization meets Machine Learning 2020. Leiden, The Netherlands.
- [URL] (since 2023) Optimisation problem library.
- [URL] (since 2019) Software Engineering for Machine Learning (SE4ML).
With Serban A., Hoos H. & Visser J. - [URL] (since 2019) MACODA Working Group: Survey on Real-World Optimization Problems.
With Deist T., Marchi M., Naujoks B., Nojima Y., Oyama A., Tušar T. & Volz V.
- [URL|code] (2019-2023) Sparkle platform for meta-algorithms.
With Rook J., Hoos H.H., Luo C. & others. - [URL] (2021-2022) TAILOR work package 7 - Automated AI.
With Hoos H., Hutter F., Schoenauer M., Vanschoren J. & others. - [URL|simulator] (2016-2019) Excellent Buildings via Forefront MDO - Lowest Energy Use, Optimal Spatial and Structural Performance.
With Boonstra S., Emmerich M. & Hofmeyer H.
- [slides] Blom K. van der (2022-05-06), Best Practices: Software Engineering, Machine Learning, and AutoML. In: Baratchi M. (Lecturer) Machine Learning: Feb. 2021-June 2022.
Guest lecture, Bachelor Artificial Intelligence, 2nd year - [slides] Blom K. van der (2021-05-21), Best Practices: Software Engineering, Machine Learning, and AutoML. In: Baratchi M. (Lecturer) Machine Learning: Feb. 2020-June 2021.
Guest lecture, Bachelor Artificial Intelligence, 2nd year - [slides] Blom K. van der (2017-10-17), Differential Evolution. In: Thomas Bäck (Lecturer) Natural Computing: Sept. 2017-Jan 2018.
Guest lecture, Bachelor Infromatica, 3rd year - [slides] Blom K. van der (2017-03-29), Differential Evolution. In: Thomas Bäck (Lecturer) Natural Computing: Feb. 2017-June 2017.
Guest lecture, Bachelor Infromatica, 3rd year - [slides] Blom K. van der (2016-03-30), Differential Evolution. In: Thomas Bäck (Lecturer) Natural Computing: Feb. 2016-June 2016.
Guest lecture, Bachelor Infromatica, 3rd year
- [web] Databases (DB). Lecturer: Michael Emmerich. Feb. 2018-June 2018
Bachelor Informatica, 1st year - [web] Natural Computing (NACO). Lecturer: Thomas Bäck. Sept. 2017-Jan. 2018
Bachelor Informatica, 3rd year - [web] Multicriteria Optimization and Decision Analysis (MODA). Lecturer: Michael Emmerich. Sept. 2017-Jan. 2018
Master Computer Science - [web] Natural Computing (NACO). Lecturer: Thomas Bäck. Feb. 2017-June 2017
Bachelor Informatica, 3rd year - [web] Bayesian Networks (BN). Lecturer: Peter Lucas. Feb. 2017-June 2017
Master Computer Science - [web] Multicriteria Optimization and Decision Analysis (MODA). Lecturer: Michael Emmerich. Sept. 2016-Jan. 2017
Master Computer Science - [web] Natural Computing (NACO). Lecturer: Thomas Bäck. Feb. 2016-June 2016
Bachelor Informatica, 3rd year - [web] Multicriteria Optimization and Decision Analysis (MODA). Lecturer: Michael Emmerich. Sept. 2015-Jan. 2016
Master Computer Science